Simplify your Complexity

Our Approach

Cyber security is about so much more than buying software. Technology is only as good as the practice policy and process which are a direct result of the security strategy. People, technology and policy only help to enforce it.

Wherever you are in the journey of cyber maturity we will work with you in collaboration to help you achieve your goal.

What’s the typical «day in the life» of a Security leader?

Don’t worry, we struggled too.

What we do know is, it’s a constant juggling act.

One minute you are expected to be a strategic thinker, contributing to the business’s long-term future. Next, you are dealing with a ransomware attack. Sandwiched between questions from IT on costs and being chased on the latest maturity assessment.

All this, in a seemingly never-ending repeating cycle, when all you want is to take control of all the moving parts.

That’s where we come in. Typically our approach consists of the following;

  • Ground Zero / Starting point – Where are you today? Are there any immediate fires to put out?
  • Goals – Where do you need to be?
  • Planning – How will we get there? What resources do we have?
  • Results – What does success look like and how do we quantify it?

Whether it’s one solution or a blend of several we will work with you using our 40+ years of experience within Cyber Security to help you to stay ahead of the ever changing threat landscape.

OdinCS is a distributor for several suppliers of cyber security solutions. We assist in organizing solutions in the Nordic market, find the right dealers and lighthouse customers.

We Cover

We offer different solutions and consulting services within Cyber Security to keep ahead of the ever evolving cyber threats.


  • GRC Management: All in one compliance. Quickly achieve and maintain compliance with over hundreds of the most in demand standards, including iSO 27001, iSO 42001, GDPR, NIS 2, DORA, and more.
  • Cyber Awareness: Mobile application security testing and rating is a next generation mobile security assessment and ratings SaaS-platform that adresses GRC challenges in Cyber Security.
  • Dark Web Monitoring: Quite simply the best dark web monitoring solution available on the market. Real-time threat intelligence at your fingertips. Collecting more than 10 million information events every day.
  • Human training and risk assessment: Words largest integrated platform for security awareness training, combined with simulated phishing attacks to meet DORA and NIS2 compliances.
  • Third Party Risk Assessment: Control third party cyber risk. Seamless evaluate and manage your third party from a single, unified platform. DORA and Third Party Risk, Assessing according to DORA requirements.
  • Email: Email security against APT phishing and domain impersonation using DMARC, DKIM, SPF, BIMI.





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Odin Cyber Security

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